20181103 예레미야 33:14-26 본문

영혼의 수고

20181103 예레미야 33:14-26

형목사 2018. 11. 3. 08:20
KRV 나 여호와가 말하노라 보라 내가 이스라엘 집과 유다 집에 대하여 이른 선한 말을 성취할 날이 이르리라0% 차이
NIV “ ‘The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.
ESV “Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
NASB95 ‘Behold, days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
BHS/WIVU הִנֵּ֛ה יָמִ֥ים בָּאִ֖ים נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה וַהֲקִֽמֹתִי֙ אֶת־הַדָּבָ֣ר הַטּ֔וֹב אֲשֶׁ֥ר דִּבַּ֛רְתִּי אֶל־בֵּ֥ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל וְעַל־בֵּ֥ית יְהוּדָֽה׃
KRV 그 날 그 때에 내가 다윗에게 한 의로운 가지가 나게 하리니 그가 이 땅에 공평과 정의를 실행할 것이라0% 차이
NIV “ ‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land.
ESV In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.
NASB95 ‘In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch of David to spring forth; and He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.
BHS/WIVU בַּיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֔יא אַצְמִ֥יחַ לְדָוִ֖ד צֶ֣מַח צְדָקָ֑ה וְעָשָׂ֛ה מִשְׁפָּ֥ט וּצְדָקָ֖ה בָּאָֽרֶץ׃
KRV 그 날에 유다가 구원을 얻겠고 예루살렘이 안전히 거할 것이며 그 성은 여호와 우리의 의라 일컬음을 입으리라0% 차이
NIV In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior.’
ESV In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: ‘The LORD is our righteousness.’
NASB95 ‘In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell in safety; and this is the name by which she will be called: the LORD is our righteousness.’
BHS/WIVU בַּיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ תִּוָּשַׁ֣ע יְהוּדָ֔ה וִירוּשָׁלִַ֖ם תִּשְׁכּ֣וֹן לָבֶ֑טַח וְזֶ֥ה אֲשֶׁר־יִקְרָא־לָ֖הּ יְהוָ֥ה׀ צִדְקֵֽנוּ׃ ס
KRV 나 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 이스라엘 집 위에 앉을 사람이 다윗에게 영영히 끊어지지 아니할 것이며0% 차이
NIV For this is what the LORD says: ‘David will never fail to have a man to sit on the throne of Israel,
ESV “For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel,
NASB95 “For thus says the LORD, ‘David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel;
BHS/WIVU כִּי־כֹ֖ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֑ה לֹֽא־יִכָּרֵ֣ת לְדָוִ֔ד אִ֕ישׁ יֹשֵׁ֖ב עַל־כִּסֵּ֥א בֵֽית־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
KRV 내 앞에서 번제를 드리며 소제를 사르며 다른 제를 항상 드릴 레위 사람 제사장들도 끊어지지 아니하리라 하시니라0% 차이
NIV nor will the Levitical priests ever fail to have a man to stand before me continually to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to present sacrifices.’ ”
ESV and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man in my presence to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings, and to make sacrifices forever.”
NASB95 and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man before Me to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to prepare sacrifices continually.’ ”
BHS/WIVU וְלַכֹּהֲנִים֙ הַלְוִיִּ֔ם לֹֽא־יִכָּרֵ֥ת אִ֖ישׁ מִלְּפָנָ֑י מַעֲלֶ֨ה עוֹלָ֜ה וּמַקְטִ֥יר מִנְחָ֛ה וְעֹֽשֶׂה־זֶּ֖בַח כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃ ס
KRV 여호와의 말씀이 예레미야에게 임하니라 가라사대0% 차이
NIV The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah:
ESV The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah:
NASB95 The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying,
BHS/WIVU וַֽיְהִי֙ דְּבַר־יְהוָ֔ה אֶֽל־יִרְמְיָ֖הוּ לֵאמֽוֹר׃
KRV 나 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 너희가 능히 낮에 대한 나의 약정과 밤에 대한 나의 약정을 파하여 주야로 그 때를 잃게할 수 있을찐대0% 차이
NIV “This is what the LORD says: ‘If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time,
ESV “Thus says the LORD: If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night will not come at their appointed time,
NASB95 “Thus says the LORD, ‘If you can break My covenant for the day and My covenant for the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time,
BHS/WIVU כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה אִם־תָּפֵ֨רוּ֙ אֶת־בְּרִיתִ֣י הַיּ֔וֹם וְאֶת־בְּרִיתִ֖י הַלָּ֑יְלָה וּלְבִלְתִּ֛י הֱי֥וֹת יֽוֹמָם־וָלַ֖יְלָה בְּעִתָּֽם׃
KRV 내 종 다윗에게 세운 나의 언약도 파하여 그로 그 위에 앉아 다스릴 아들이 없게 할 수 있겠으며 내가 나를 섬기는 레위인 제사장에게 세운 언약도 파할 수 있으리라0% 차이
NIV then my covenant with David my servant—and my covenant with the Levites who are priests ministering before me—can be broken and David will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne.
ESV then also my covenant with David my servant may be broken, so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne, and my covenant with the Levitical priests my ministers.
NASB95 then My covenant may also be broken with David My servant so that he will not have a son to reign on his throne, and with the Levitical priests, My ministers.
BHS/WIVU גַּם־בְּרִיתִ֤י תֻפַר֙ אֶת־דָּוִ֣ד עַבְדִּ֔י מִהְיֽוֹת־לוֹ֥ בֵ֖ן מֹלֵ֣ךְ עַל־כִּסְאֹ֑ו וְאֶת־הַלְוִיִּ֥ם הַכֹּהֲנִ֖ים מְשָׁרְתָֽי׃
KRV 하늘의 만상은 셀 수 없으며 바다의 모래는 측량할 수 없나니 내가 그와 같이 내 종 다윗의 자손과 나를 섬기는 레위인을 번성케 하리라 하시니라0% 차이
NIV I will make the descendants of David my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars in the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.’ ”
ESV As the host of heaven cannot be numbered and the sands of the sea cannot be measured, so I will multiply the offspring of David my servant, and the Levitical priests who minister to me.”
NASB95 ‘As the host of heaven cannot be counted and the sand of the sea cannot be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.’ ”
BHS/WIVU אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־יִסָּפֵר֙ צְבָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְלֹ֥א יִמַּ֖ד ח֣וֹל הַיָּ֑ם כֵּ֣ן אַרְבֶּ֗ה אֶת־זֶ֨רַע֙ דָּוִ֣ד עַבְדִּ֔י וְאֶת־הַלְוִיִּ֖ם מְשָׁרְתֵ֥י אֹתִֽי׃ ס
KRV 여호와의 말씀이 예레미야에게 임하니라 가라사대0% 차이
NIV The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah:
ESV The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah:
NASB95 And the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying,
BHS/WIVU וַֽיְהִי֙ דְּבַר־יְהוָ֔ה אֶֽל־יִרְמְיָ֖הוּ לֵאמֹֽר׃
KRV 이 백성이 말하기를 여호와께서 그 택하신 두 족속을 버리셨다 한 것을 네가 생각지 아니하느냐 그들이 내 백성을 멸시하여 자기들 앞에서 나라로 인정치 아니하도다0% 차이
NIV “Have you not noticed that these people are saying, ‘The LORD has rejected the two kingdoms he chose’? So they despise my people and no longer regard them as a nation.
ESV “Have you not observed that these people are saying, ‘The LORD has rejected the two clans that he chose’? Thus they have despised my people so that they are no longer a nation in their sight.
NASB95 “Have you not observed what this people have spoken, saying, ‘The two families which the LORD chose, He has rejected them’? Thus they despise My people, no longer are they as a nation in their sight.
BHS/WIVU הֲל֣וֹא רָאִ֗יתָ מָֽה־הָעָ֤ם הַזֶּה֙ דִּבְּר֣וּ לֵאמֹ֔ר שְׁתֵּ֣י הַמִּשְׁפָּח֗וֹת אֲשֶׁ֨ר בָּחַ֧ר יְהוָ֛ה בָּהֶ֖ם וַיִּמְאָסֵ֑ם וְאֶת־עַמִּי֙ יִנְאָצ֔וּן מִֽהְי֥וֹת ע֖וֹד גּ֥וֹי לִפְנֵיהֶֽם׃ ס
KRV 나 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 나의 주야의 약정이 서지 아니할 수 있다든지 천지의 규례가 정한 대로 되지 아니할 수 있다 할찐대0% 차이
NIV This is what the LORD says: ‘If I have not made my covenant with day and night and established the laws of heaven and earth,
ESV Thus says the LORD: If I have not established my covenant with day and night and the fixed order of heaven and earth,
NASB95 “Thus says the LORD, ‘If My covenant for day and night stand not, and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth I have not established,
BHS/WIVU כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה אִם־לֹ֥א בְרִיתִ֖י יוֹמָ֣ם וָלָ֑יְלָה חֻקּ֛וֹת שָׁמַ֥יִם וָאָ֖רֶץ לֹא־שָֽׂמְתִּי׃
KRV 내가 야곱과 내 종 다윗의 자손을 버려서 다시는 다윗의 자손 중에서 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱의 자손을 다스릴 자를 택하지 아니하리라 내가 그 포로된 자로 돌아오게 하고 그를 긍휼히 여기리라0% 차이
NIV then I will reject the descendants of Jacob and David my servant and will not choose one of his sons to rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For I will restore their fortunes and have compassion on them.’ ”
ESV then I will reject the offspring of Jacob and David my servant and will not choose one of his offspring to rule over the offspring of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on them.”
NASB95 then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, not taking from his descendants rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But I will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on them.’ ”
BHS/WIVU גַּם־זֶ֣רַע יַעֲקוֹב֩ וְדָוִ֨ד עַבְדִּ֜י אֶמְאַ֗ס מִקַּ֤חַת מִזַּרְעוֹ֙ מֹֽשְׁלִ֔ים אֶל־זֶ֥רַע אַבְרָהָ֖ם יִשְׂחָ֣ק וְיַעֲקֹ֑ב כִּֽי־אָשׁוּב אֶת־שְׁבוּתָ֖ם וְרִחַמְתִּֽים׃ ס

하나님의 심판과 구원은 절대적이다. 심판이 기필코 이루어지듯이, 구원도 기필코 이루어진다.

현실의 상황이나 문제들을 넘어서는 회복, 구원의 역사는 '해가 뜨고 지는 것과 같이'(20절) 분명히 이루어 질 것이다.

나의 삶의 고난이 있다면, 회복을 기대하라.

현실의 문제에 좌절하기 보다는 하나님의 놀라운 회복을 기도하라!


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