20181102 예레미야 33:1-13 본문

영혼의 수고

20181102 예레미야 33:1-13

형목사 2018. 11. 2. 22:18
예레미야 33
KRV 예레미야가 아직 시위대 뜰에 갇혔을 때에 여호와의 말씀이 그에게 다시 임하니라 가라사대0% 차이
NIV While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the word of the LORD came to him a second time:
ESV The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah a second time, while he was still shut up in the court of the guard:
NASB95 Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the second time, while he was still confined in the court of the guard, saying,
BHS/WIVU וַיְהִ֧י דְבַר־יְהוָ֛ה אֶֽל־יִרְמְיָ֖הוּ שֵׁנִ֑ית וְהוּא֙ עוֹדֶ֣נּוּ עָצ֔וּר בַּחֲצַ֥ר הַמַּטָּרָ֖ה לֵאמֹֽר׃
KRV 일을 행하는 여호와, 그것을 지어 성취하는 여호와, 그 이름을 여호와라 하는 자가 이같이 이르노라0% 차이
NIV “This is what the LORD sayshe who made the earththe LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name:
ESV “Thus says the LORD who made the earththe LORD who formed it to establish it—the LORD is his name:
NASB95 “Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish itthe LORD is His name,
BHS/WIVU כֹּֽה־אָמַ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה עֹשָׂ֑הּ יְהוָ֗ה יוֹצֵ֥ר אוֹתָ֛הּ לַהֲכִינָ֖הּ יְהוָ֥ה שְׁמֹֽו׃
KRV 너는 내게 부르짖으라 내가 네게 응답하겠고 네가 알지 못하는 크고 비밀한 일을 네게 보이리라0% 차이
NIV ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
ESV Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
NASB95 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
BHS/WIVU קְרָ֥א אֵלַ֖י וְאֶעֱנֶ֑ךָּ וְאַגִּ֧ידָה לְּךָ֛ גְּדֹל֥וֹת וּבְצֻר֖וֹת לֹ֥א יְדַעְתָּֽם׃ ס
KRV 이스라엘의 하나님 여호와가 말하노라 무리가 이 성읍의 가옥과 유다 왕궁을 헐어서 갈대아인의 흉벽과 칼을 막아0% 차이
NIV For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says about the houses in this city and the royal palaces of Judah that have been torn down to be used against the siege ramps and the sword
ESV For thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning the houses of this city and the houses of the kings of Judah that were torn down to make a defense against the siege mounds and against the sword:
NASB95 “For thus says the LORD God of Israel concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah which are broken down to make a defense against the siege ramps and against the sword,
BHS/WIVU כִּי֩ כֹ֨ה אָמַ֤ר יְהוָה֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַל־בָּתֵּי֙ הָעִ֣יר הַזֹּ֔את וְעַל־בָּתֵּ֖י מַלְכֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֑ה הַנְּתֻצִ֕ים אֶל־הַסֹּלְל֖וֹת וְאֶל־הֶחָֽרֶב׃
KRV 싸우려 하였으나 내가 나의 노와 분함으로 그들을 죽이고 그 시체로 이 성에 채우게 하였나니 이는 그들의 모든 악을 인하여 나의 얼굴을 가리워 이 성을 돌아보지 아니하였음이니라0% 차이
NIV in the fight with the Babylonians: ‘They will be filled with the dead bodies of the people I will slay in my anger and wrath. I will hide my face from this city because of all its wickedness.
ESV They are coming in to fight against the Chaldeans and to fill them with the dead bodies of men whom I shall strike down in my anger and my wrath, for I have hidden my face from this city because of all their evil.
NASB95 ‘While they are coming to fight with the Chaldeans and to fill them with the corpses of men whom I have slain in My anger and in My wrath, and I have hidden My face from this city because of all their wickedness:
BHS/WIVU בָּאִ֗ים לְהִלָּחֵם֙ אֶת־הַכַּשְׂדִּ֔ים וּלְמַלְאָם֙ אֶת־פִּגְרֵ֣י הָאָדָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־הִכֵּ֥יתִי בְאַפִּ֖י וּבַחֲמָתִ֑י וַאֲשֶׁ֨ר הִסְתַּ֤רְתִּי פָנַי֙ מֵהָעִ֣יר הַזֹּ֔את עַ֖ל כָּל־רָעָתָֽם׃
KRV 그러나 보라 내가 이 성을 치료하며 고쳐 낫게 하고 평강과 성실함에 풍성함을 그들에게 나타낼 것이며0% 차이
NIV “ ‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
ESV Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.
NASB95 ‘Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth.
BHS/WIVU הִנְנִ֧י מַעֲלֶה־לָּ֛הּ אֲרֻכָ֥ה וּמַרְפֵּ֖א וּרְפָאתִ֑ים וְגִלֵּיתִ֣י לָהֶ֔ם עֲתֶ֥רֶת שָׁל֖וֹם וֶאֱמֶֽת׃
KRV 내가 유다의 포로와 이스라엘의 포로를 돌아오게 하여 그들을 처음과 같이 세울 것이며0% 차이
NIV I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before.
ESV I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel, and rebuild them as they were at first.
NASB95 ‘I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel and will rebuild them as they were at first.
BHS/WIVU וַהֲשִֽׁבֹתִי֙ אֶת־שְׁב֣וּת יְהוּדָ֔ה וְאֵ֖ת שְׁב֣וּת יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וּבְנִתִ֖ים כְּבָרִֽאשֹׁנָֽה׃
KRV 내가 그들을 내게 범한 그 모든 죄악에서 정하게 하며 그들의 내게 범하며 행한 모든 죄악을 사할 것이라0% 차이
NIV I will cleanse them from all the sin they have committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me.
ESV I will cleanse them from all the guilt of their sin against me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their sin and rebellion against me.
NASB95 ‘I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned against Me and by which they have transgressed against Me.
BHS/WIVU וְטִ֣הַרְתִּ֔ים מִכָּל־עֲוֹנָ֖ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר חָֽטְאוּ־לִ֑י וְסָלַחְתִּ֗י לְכוֹל עֲוֹנֽוֹתֵיהֶם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר חָֽטְאוּ־לִ֔י וַאֲשֶׁ֖ר פָּ֥שְׁעוּ בִֽי׃
KRV 이 성읍이 세계 열방 앞에서 내게 기쁜 이름이 될 것이며 찬송과 영광이 될 것이요 그들은 나의 이 백성에게 베푼 모든 복을 들을 것이요 나의 이 성읍에 베푼 모든 복과 모든 평강을 인하여 두려워하며 떨리라0% 차이
NIV Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.’
ESV And this city shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth who shall hear of all the good that I do for them. They shall fear and tremble because of all the good and all the prosperity I provide for it.
NASB95 ‘It will be to Me a name of joy, praise and glory before all the nations of the earth which will hear of all the good that I do for them, and they will fear and tremble because of all the good and all the peace that I make for it.’
BHS/WIVU וְהָ֣יְתָה לִּ֗י לְשֵׁ֤ם שָׂשׂוֹן֙ לִתְהִלָּ֣ה וּלְתִפְאֶ֔רֶת לְכֹ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִשְׁמְע֜וּ אֶת־כָּל־הַטּוֹבָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָֽנֹכִי֙ עֹשֶׂ֣ה אֹתָ֔ם וּפָחֲד֣וּ וְרָֽגְז֗וּ עַ֤ל כָּל־הַטּוֹבָה֙ וְעַ֣ל כָּל־הַשָּׁל֔וֹם אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָֽנֹכִ֖י עֹ֥שֶׂה לָּֽהּ׃ ס
KRV 나 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 너희가 가리켜 말하기를 황폐하여 사람도 없고 짐승도 없다 하던 여기 곧 황폐하여 사람도 없고 주민도 없고 짐승도 없던 유다 성읍들과 예루살렘 거리에서 즐거워하는 소리, 기뻐하는 소리, 신랑의 소리, 신부의 소리와 및 만군의 여호와께 감사하라, 여호와는 선하시니 그 인자하심이 영원하다 하는 소리와 여호와의 집에 감사제를 드리는 자들의 소리가 다시 들리 리니 이는 내가 이 땅의 포로로 돌아와서 처음과 같이 되게 할 것임 이니라 여호와의 말이니라0% 차이
NIV “This is what the LORD says: ‘You say about this place“It is a desolate wastewithout people or animals.” Yet in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are desertedinhabited by neither people nor animalsthere will be heard once more
ESV “Thus says the LORD: In this place of which you say‘It is a waste without man or beast,’ in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are desolatewithout man or inhabitant or beastthere shall be heard again
NASB95 “Thus says the LORD, ‘Yet again there will be heard in this place, of which you say, “It is a wastewithout man and without beast,” that isin the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolatewithout man and without inhabitant and without beast,
BHS/WIVU כֹּ֣ה׀ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה עוֹד֮ יִשָּׁמַ֣ע בַּמָּקוֹם־הַזֶּה֒ אֲשֶׁר֙ אַתֶּ֣ם אֹֽמְרִ֔ים חָרֵ֣ב ה֔וּא מֵאֵ֥ין אָדָ֖ם וּמֵאֵ֣ין בְּהֵמָ֑ה בְּעָרֵ֤י יְהוּדָה֙ וּבְחֻצ֣וֹת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֔ם הַֽנְשַׁמּ֗וֹת מֵאֵ֥ין אָדָ֛ם וּמֵאֵ֥ין יוֹשֵׁ֖ב וּמֵאֵ֥ין בְּהֵמָֽה׃
NIV the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, “Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever.” For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,’ says the LORD.
ESV the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD: “ ‘Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!’ For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at first, says the LORD.
NASB95 the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say, “Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, For the LORD is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting”; and of those who bring a thank offering into the house of the LORD. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,’ says the LORD.
BHS/WIVU ק֣וֹל שָׂשׂ֞וֹן וְק֣וֹל שִׂמְחָ֗ה ק֣וֹל חָתָן֮ וְק֣וֹל כַּלָּה֒ ק֣וֹל אֹמְרִ֡ים הוֹדוּ֩ אֶת־יְהוָ֨ה צְבָא֜וֹת כִּֽי־ט֤וֹב יְהוָה֙ כִּֽי־לְעוֹלָ֣ם חַסְדֹּ֔ו מְבִאִ֥ים תּוֹדָ֖ה בֵּ֣ית יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־אָשִׁ֧יב אֶת־שְׁבוּת־הָאָ֛רֶץ כְּבָרִאשֹׁנָ֖ה אָמַ֥ר יְהוָֽה׃ ס
KRV 나 만군의 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 황폐하여 사람도 없고 짐승도 없던 이 곳과 그 모든 성읍에 다시 목자의 거할 곳이 있으리니 그 양무리를 눕게 할 것이라0% 차이
NIV “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In this place, desolate and without people or animals—in all its towns there will again be pastures for shepherds to rest their flocks.
ESV “Thus says the LORD of hosts: In this place that is waste, without man or beast, and in all of its cities, there shall again be habitations of shepherds resting their flocks.
NASB95 “Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘There will again be in this place which is waste, without man or beast, and in all its cities, a habitation of shepherds who rest their flocks.
BHS/WIVU כֹּֽה־אָמַר֮ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָאוֹת֒ ע֞וֹד יִֽהְיֶ֣ה׀ בַּמָּק֣וֹם הַזֶּ֗ה הֶחָרֵ֛ב מֵֽאֵין־אָדָ֥ם וְעַד־בְּהֵמָ֖ה וּבְכָל־עָרָ֑יו נְוֵ֣ה רֹעִ֔ים מַרְבִּצִ֖ים צֹֽאן׃
KRV 산지 성읍들과 평지 성읍들과 남방의 성읍들과 베냐민 땅과 예루살렘 사면과 유다 성읍들에서 양 무리가 다시 계수하는 자의 손 아래로 지나리라 여호와의 말이니라0% 차이
NIV In the towns of the hill country, of the western foothills and of the Negev, in the territory of Benjamin, in the villages around Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah, flocks will again pass under the hand of the one who counts them,’ says the LORD.
ESV In the cities of the hill country, in the cities of the Shephelah, and in the cities of the Negeb, in the land of Benjamin, the places about Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, flocks shall again pass under the hands of the one who counts them, says the LORD.
NASB95 ‘In the cities of the hill country, in the cities of the lowland, in the cities of the Negev, in the land of Benjamin, in the environs of Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah, the flocks will again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them,’ says the LORD.
BHS/WIVU בְּעָרֵ֨י הָהָ֜ר בְּעָרֵ֤י הַשְּׁפֵלָה֙ וּבְעָרֵ֣י הַנֶּ֔גֶב וּבְאֶ֧רֶץ בִּנְיָמִ֛ן וּבִסְבִיבֵ֥י יְרוּשָׁלִַ֖ם וּבְעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֑ה עֹ֣ד תַּעֲבֹ֧רְנָה הַצֹּ֛אן עַל־יְדֵ֥י מוֹנֶ֖ה אָמַ֥ר יְהוָֽה׃ ס

 종종 우리가 고통에 당면했을 때 저지르는 실수는 “이거 어떡하지?”라고 고민하는 것입니다. 물론 고민도 해야 하지요. 우리가 할 수 있는 최선의 방법과 해법도 찾아야 하지요. 하지만 그보다 앞선 일, 그보다 중요한 일은 하나님께 부르짖는 것입니다. 왜냐하면, ‘생각’은 내 뜻이지만, ‘기도’는 하나님의 뜻이기 때문입니다. 하나님의 백성된 우리는 하나님의 뜻을 위해 부르짖어야 합니다


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