20181016 예레미야 25:30-38 본문

영혼의 수고

20181016 예레미야 25:30-38

형목사 2018. 10. 16. 09:13
30 그러므로 너는 그들에게 이 모든 말로 예언하여 이르기를 여호와께서 높은 데서 부르시며 그 거룩한 처소에서 소리를 발하시며 그 양의 우리를 향하여 크게 부르시며 세상 모든 거민을 대하여 포도 밟는 자 같이 외치시리니0% 차이
30 “Now prophesy all these words against them and say to them: “ ‘The LORD will roar from on high; he will thunder from his holy dwelling and roar mightily against his land. He will shout like those who tread the grapes, shout against all who live on the earth.
30 “You, therefore, shall prophesy against them all these words, and say to them: “ ‘The LORD will roar from on high, and from his holy habitation utter his voice; he will roar mightily against his fold, and shout, like those who tread grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.
30 “Therefore you shall prophesy against them all these words, and you shall say to them, ‘The LORD will roar from on high And utter His voice from His holy habitation; He will roar mightily against His fold. He will shout like those who tread the grapes, Against all the inhabitants of the earth.
30 וְאַתָּה֙ תִּנָּבֵ֣א אֲלֵיהֶ֔ם אֵ֥ת כָּל־הַדְּבָרִ֖ים הָאֵ֑לֶּה וְאָמַרְתָּ֣ אֲלֵיהֶ֗ם יְהוָ֞ה מִמָּר֤וֹם יִשְׁאָג֙ וּמִמְּע֤וֹן קָדְשׁוֹ֙ יִתֵּ֣ן קוֹלֹ֔ו שָׁאֹ֤ג יִשְׁאַג֙ עַל־נָוֵ֔הוּ הֵידָד֙ כְּדֹרְכִ֣ים יַֽעֲנֶ֔ה אֶ֥ל כָּל־יֹשְׁבֵ֖י הָאָֽרֶץ׃
31 요란한 소리가 땅 끝까지 이름은 여호와께서 열국과 다투시며 모든 육체를 심판하시며 악인을 칼에 붙이심을 인함이라 하라 여호와의 말이니라0% 차이
31 The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth, for the LORD will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind and put the wicked to the sword,’ ” declares the LORD.
31 The clamor will resound to the ends of the earth, for the LORD has an indictment against the nations; he is entering into judgment with all flesh, and the wicked he will put to the sword, declares the LORD.’
31 ‘A clamor has come to the end of the earth, Because the LORD has a controversy with the nations. He is entering into judgment with all flesh; As for the wicked, He has given them to the sword,’ declares the LORD.”
31 בָּ֤א שָׁאוֹן֙ עַד־קְצֵ֣ה הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּ֣י רִ֤יב לַֽיהוָה֙ בַּגּוֹיִ֔ם נִשְׁפָּ֥ט ה֖וּא לְכָל־בָּשָׂ֑ר הָרְשָׁעִ֛ים נְתָנָ֥ם לַחֶ֖רֶב נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס
32 나 만군의 여호와가 말하노라 보라 재앙이 나서 나라에서 나라에 미칠 것이며 대풍이 땅 끝에서 일어날 것이라0% 차이
32 This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation; a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth.”
32 “Thus says the LORD of hosts: Behold, disaster is going forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest is stirring from the farthest parts of the earth!
32 Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Behold, evil is going forth From nation to nation, And a great storm is being stirred up From the remotest parts of the earth.
32 כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֔וֹת הִנֵּ֥ה רָעָ֛ה יֹצֵ֖את מִגּ֣וֹי אֶל־גּ֑וֹי וְסַ֣עַר גָּד֔וֹל יֵע֖וֹר מִיַּרְכְּתֵי־אָֽרֶץ׃
33 그 날에 나 여호와에게 살륙을 당한 자가 땅 이 끝에서 땅 저 끝에 미칠 것이나 그들이 슬퍼함을 받지 못하며 염습함을 입지 못하며 매장함을 얻지 못하고 지면에서 분토가 되리로다0% 차이
33 At that time those slain by the LORD will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground.
33 “And those pierced by the LORD on that day shall extend from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall be dung on the surface of the ground.
33 “Those slain by the LORD on that day will be from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be lamented, gathered or buried; they will be like dung on the face of the ground.
33 וְהָי֞וּ חַֽלְלֵ֤י יְהוָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא מִקְצֵ֥ה הָאָ֖רֶץ וְעַד־קְצֵ֣ה הָאָ֑רֶץ לֹ֣א יִסָּפְד֗וּ וְלֹ֤א יֵאָֽסְפוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א יִקָּבֵ֔רוּ לְדֹ֛מֶן עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הָאֲדָמָ֖ה יִֽהְיֽוּ׃
34 너희 목자들아 외쳐 애곡하라 너희 양떼의 인도자들아 재에 굴라 이는 너희 도륙을 당할 날과 흩음을 당할 기한이 찼음인즉 너희가 귀한 그릇의 떨어짐 같이 될 것이라0% 차이
34 Weep and wail, you shepherds; roll in the dust, you leaders of the flock. For your time to be slaughtered has come; you will fall like the best of the rams.
34 “Wail, you shepherds, and cry out, and roll in ashes, you lords of the flock, for the days of your slaughter and dispersion have come, and you shall fall like a choice vessel.
34 “Wail, you shepherds, and cry; And wallow in ashes, you masters of the flock; For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions have come, And you will fall like a choice vessel.
34 הֵילִ֨ילוּ הָרֹעִ֜ים וְזַעֲק֗וּ וְהִֽתְפַּלְּשׁוּ֙ אַדִּירֵ֣י הַצֹּ֔אן כִּֽי־מָלְא֥וּ יְמֵיכֶ֖ם לִטְב֑וֹחַ וּתְפוֹצ֣וֹתִיכֶ֔ם וּנְפַלְתֶּ֖ם כִּכְלִ֥י חֶמְדָּֽה׃
35 목자들은 도망할 수 없겠고 양떼의 인도자들은 도피할 수 없으리로다0% 차이
35 The shepherds will have nowhere to flee, the leaders of the flock no place to escape.
35 No refuge will remain for the shepherds, nor escape for the lords of the flock.
35 “Flight will perish from the shepherds, And escape from the masters of the flock.
35 וְאָבַ֥ד מָנ֖וֹס מִן־הָֽרֹעִ֑ים וּפְלֵיטָ֖ה מֵאַדִּירֵ֥י הַצֹּֽאן׃
36 목자들의 부르짖음과 양떼의 인도자들의 애곡하는 소리여 나 여호 와가 그들의 초장으로 황폐케 함이로다0% 차이
36 Hear the cry of the shepherds, the wailing of the leaders of the flock, for the LORD is destroying their pasture.
36 A voice—the cry of the shepherds, and the wail of the lords of the flock! For the LORD is laying waste their pasture,
36 “Hear the sound of the cry of the shepherds, And the wailing of the masters of the flock! For the LORD is destroying their pasture,
36 ק֚וֹל צַעֲקַ֣ת הָֽרֹעִ֔ים וִֽילְלַ֖ת אַדִּירֵ֣י הַצֹּ֑אן כִּֽי־שֹׁדֵ֥ד יְהוָ֖ה אֶת־מַרְעִיתָֽם׃
37 평안한 목장들이 적막하니 이는 여호와의 진노의 연고로다0% 차이
37 The peaceful meadows will be laid waste because of the fierce anger of the LORD.
37 and the peaceful folds are devastated because of the fierce anger of the LORD.
37 “And the peaceful folds are made silent Because of the fierce anger of the LORD.
37 וְנָדַ֖מּוּ נְא֣וֹת הַשָּׁל֑וֹם מִפְּנֵ֖י חֲר֥וֹן אַף־יְהוָֽה׃
38 그가 사자 같이 그 소혈에서 나오셨도다 그 잔멸하는 자의 진노와그 극렬한 분으로 인하여 그들의 땅이 황량하였도다0% 차이
38 Like a lion he will leave his lair, and their land will become desolate because of the sword of the oppressor and because of the LORD’s fierce anger.
38 Like a lion he has left his lair, for their land has become a waste because of the sword of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger.”
38 “He has left His hiding place like the lion; For their land has become a horror Because of the fierceness of the oppressing sword And because of His fierce anger.”
38 עָזַ֥ב כַּכְּפִ֖יר סֻכֹּ֑ו כִּֽי־הָיְתָ֤ה אַרְצָם֙ לְשַׁמָּ֔ה מִפְּנֵי֙ חֲר֣וֹן הַיּוֹנָ֔ה וּמִפְּנֵ֖י חֲר֥וֹן אַפֹּֽו׃ פ

하나님의 진노가 온 세계에서 임할것이다. 

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하나님의 심판으로 땅은 황량하게 될 것이다.

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